Week 0

best piece of creative work

This photograph is my best piece of creative work that I particularly enjoy because of the contrast of subject matter to the background. Not knowing exactly what I wanted from this image is another reason for why I believe that it is one of my best pieces due to the fact that I got to experiment with my model in different poses and positions and truely make the image as weird as I wanted it to be. Finally, I feel as if the lighting and focus of the photo add to the aesthetic appearance greatly as the lighting focuses primarily on the subject, and the focus draws attention to the centre of the image and fades as it moves towards the background, creating a softer image. 

image of a great piece of architecture

The Tribune Tower (Chicago, Illinois) caught my eye during my travels throughout America. Perhaps it was the neo-gothic aesthetic of the building, which stood in contrast to its modern surrounds. The rich history of the building was also a standout feature of my visit- part of the initial building incorporates rocks and bricks from culturally and architecturally significant sites from all around the world including Angkor Wat, The Great Wall of China, as well as The Great Pyramids. This interweaving of gothic and cultural significance ultimately highlights the potential for architecture both now and in the future, and the importance of historical influences within architectural pieces that remain standing today.

original photograph of something beautiful

While exploring New Zealand I fell in love with the natural landscape and subsequently felt the need to document the bliss of this moment. The stark contrast of the deep ocean blue against the pale slated rocks allows for the main focus of the piece, the seal, to be further emphasised. The serenity of this image evokes a sense of stillness captured in this moment.


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